eyes_on_fingers is a part of an Idea. An idea of innovation, an idea of establishment of startup, an idea of scaling up the profession and career.

This is only about the Physiotherapy. eyes_on_fingers means make your fingers your eyes to mark the difference you see clinically But “FEEL THE DIFFERENCE” is not only the tag its our motto too that describes always create the difference and feel it, admire it. The difference of good and bad, the difference in pros and cons, the difference in quality of education, the difference in ideas you think of, etc  as there are always two aspects of anything that is happening or happened or going to be happened.

eyes_on_fingers will always remind you about palpation skill. The much you are good at palpation that much you will treat your patient well.

We wholeheartedly welcome our visitors here on eyes_on_fingers your source for all educational information about Physiotherapy. We're dedicated to giving you the very best of data and ideas, with a focus on Innovation, Perfection and Possibilities.

In this blog all the students of physiotherapy profession will get major notes about core subjects of physiotherapy in the STUDY PORTAL section. Other innovative posts or articles would be posted in the ARTICLE section. For getting introduced to Admin’s point of view you can visit AUTHOR’S DESKOther facts about physiotherapy, Assessment of patient, Technique and technology applied in treatment, Treatment protocol, care of patient, all other such information will also be provided.

We hope you will get something from our ideas as much as we are offering them to you. We are ready to give our services as much as possible. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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Keep smiling 😊


Dr. Ritik Dwivedi (PT)